
Hi, beautiful people.

The Imagination Times is an exploratory digest centering creativity, relationships, psychospirituality and self leadership. I'm happy you're here. Let's create and grow together.

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We start tomorrow! Creative Intimacy 🎨

Enroll Now and Start Tomorrow 🎨 We start tomorrow, Saturday, June 8th! What you’ll gain from Creative Intimacy: Self-Awareness: A deeper understanding of how your past influences your life today and emotional well-being. Healing and Growth: Transform old wounds into sources of strength and wisdom through a gentle and creative process. Creative Empowerment: Use your life stories as a springboard for artistic endeavors, regardless of your skill level in visual arts and writing. Community...

Your Past Is Your Wisdom

Your past has a story to tell and wisdom to gift you. So many parents find themselves avoiding looking into their childhood experiences because they're scared that what they'll find could throw off their entire life. You know what I mean: a life on the brink of burnout to provide for your family because your little ones need you. A life of juggling so many responsibilities which leaves you exhausted every night. Challenging moments with your children bringing you back to those moments in your...

Transform Your Parenting Journey Through Art-Making

Don't repeat the mistakes of your childhood. As parents, you carry within you the echoes of your childhood experiences — from cherished and meaningful moments, to the mistakes your own parents made that you’ve told yourself countless times you will never repeat with your own kids. Easier said than done. Delving into the realm of inner child work offers a profound opportunity to break free from generational patterns, to heal past wounds, and cultivate deeper connections with yourself and in...

The Imagination Times: Community Gains

01 / Gains in the eyes of community “Ichi-go ichi-e. The master told me it roughly translates to ‘one meeting, one moment in your life that will never happen again.’ She explained further: ‘We could meet again, but you have to praise this moment because in one year, we’ll have a new experience, and we will be different people and will be bringing new experiences with us, because we are also changed.’ ― Priya Parker, The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters I was reminded of the...

The Imagination Times: Creative Intimacy Starts Tomorrow!

O1 / Taking the First Creative Step “Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.” — Maria Montessori Staring at the blank paper can feel daunting. After, all we should know what we're up to, shouldn't we? Don't we need a plan before even reaching for the paper in front of us? We waste so much of our energy thinking these types of thoughts. Thinking that we should be further along than we are. And those thoughts will stop us in...

The Imagination Times: 🎨 Your Creative Vision for 2024

01 / Who would you be if you had nothing to prove? Often in life, we do things because we're afraid. Fear leads us in acting a certain way, keeping up certain habits, masking our true selves. When it comes to expressing your full creative expression of self, this becomes glaringly apparent. From the time we are young, we are taught and groomed to believe that our authentic creative expression is worthless. It shows up most with small, throwaway phrases that spill out of our mouths as Truth...

👁️ Reintroducing: The Imagination Times

00 / Reintroduction Hey beautiful creative beings, It's been two years since I've sent out a digest of the imagination times. While I believe that consistency is such a powerful practice, sometimes the focus point of that consistent action shifts... and that's ok. For those of you who have been here since the days of this being a design and branding business back in 2014... I'm so grateful for you being a witness to this creative and unfinished life of mine. For those of you who are new here,...

My TEDx Talk is Live!

Dearest creative beings, A quick drop into your inboxes this morning to share some amazing news: My TEDx Talk is LIVE! Reclaim Your Creativity in a Time of Capitalism: I would be so grateful if you took the time to watch the video, like and comment on it as well! Click here to watch the video on YouTube and / or And of course, if you know someone who needs to remember their path inward toward their creativity and that you think would benefit from doing to exercise in this talk, please...